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Sealey Challenge Raffle

Post a review of one (or both) of our first-year Beauty School titles during the month of August and enter to win a Beauty School Editions T-shirt or tote (your choice)!!! 


Post your review on Goodreads or tag our books in a photo on Instagram to enter!


If you review of both books during the Sealey Challenge, you will double your chances of winning!!!!


If you don't have both books and would like to order them, BSE is offering a special sale price for the two! 

($35 + shipping in the US for both!!) 


Click here to take advantage of this sale:


OR email us at for other payment options. Type "Sealey Challenge Raffle" in the subject of your email.

You can order them separately through Itasca too:

Ceremonies for No Repair:


Complete this form once your review is posted:

Writing through the Chakras:
An 8 Week Course
July 16-September 3

In yoga, we consider the seven major chakras as possibilities to deepen our understanding of—and presence with—the whole self. When the seven chakras are in balance, life flows smoothly. However, when one chakra is out of balance, life can feel like a runaway train, or even worse, we can feel stuck and powerless. So too can the writing experience.

Writing through the Chakras allows us to move week-by-week to gently engage each chakra to harness the power of a yoga practice. Through moderate movement, easy breathwork and other yogic techniques, we will tap into the seven major wheels of energy that are already spinning and working through your body. Then, we’ll write together using some generative writing prompts connected to that chakric work

Through that practice, this workshop will deepen your creativity and connection to your writing.

When: July 16-Sept 3. Zoom meetings are Tuesdays from 1:15-2:15 PM CST. Meetings will also be made available to registrants for their own personal use within 24 hours of class time and will remain available for their personal use until September 30.

Cost: $100 for all eight sessions (All proceeds go directly to Beauty School Editions, LLC.)

July 16: Chakra 1—Muladhara
July 23: Chakra 2—Svadhisthana
July 30: Chakra 3—Manipura
August 6: Chakra 4—Anahta
August 13: Chakra 5—Visuddha
August 20: Chakra 6—Ajña
August 27: Chakra 7—Sahasrara

September 3: Descending the chakras practice

Haley Lasché
is a RYT-200 certified yoga instructor who has taught regular Hatha and Vinyasa classes, yoga workshops and series all around the Twin Cities. She is the co-owner, co-founder and co-editor of the poetry press Beauty School Editions and the founder, editor and designer of the literary magazine Concision Poetry Journal. She teaches writing and literature courses at colleges and universities  and has two poetry chapbooks: Where It Leads (Red Bird Chapbooks, 2016) and Blood and Survivor (Locofo Chaps, 2017). Her debut poetry collection, ONE, was published by Beauty School Editions in 2023.


Register here:

Contact Haley with questions at

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